
Thank you for your interest however, I am not currently repairing books. I recommend contacting
Cat Tail Run Hand Bookbinding in Winchester Virginia.
If you are reading this, chances are good that you have a well-loved book that is in some state of disrepair. Your beloved book might be out of print or obscure enough that it would be difficult to replace.
I have taken courses with a professional book conservator of 30+ years and have a facility for - and enduring love of - the process of book repair. I repair books with my whole being through art, skill and devotion to the process which shows in the quality of my work. If interested, please read the testimonials on the "about us" page.
The primary purpose of this website is to enable people to see some examples of books I have repaired. This is not so much an online business as a service I provide to people in my community. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
If you'd like to read the article in The Burg, click here
"These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. " -Gilbert Highet
Cat Tail Run Hand Bookbinding in Winchester Virginia.
If you are reading this, chances are good that you have a well-loved book that is in some state of disrepair. Your beloved book might be out of print or obscure enough that it would be difficult to replace.
I have taken courses with a professional book conservator of 30+ years and have a facility for - and enduring love of - the process of book repair. I repair books with my whole being through art, skill and devotion to the process which shows in the quality of my work. If interested, please read the testimonials on the "about us" page.
The primary purpose of this website is to enable people to see some examples of books I have repaired. This is not so much an online business as a service I provide to people in my community. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
If you'd like to read the article in The Burg, click here
"These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. " -Gilbert Highet